Featured Speakers

Featured Sessions

  • Growing Your Packing and Shipping Revenue
    Presenter: Brent White
    2Thursday PM, September 13 | 10:30am - 11:45pm
  • Building Your Brand From the INSIDE Out
    Presenter: Brent White & Allison Tonini
    4Friday PM 1, September 14 | 3:45 - 5:00 pm

1Thursday AM, September 13

The Power of Online Reviews

Time: 10:30am - 11:45am
Presenter: Joseph Ortega, PostNet & Kathryne Chan, Yelp

Crowd-sourced review sites, such as Google My Business, Facebook, and Yelp, play a crucial role in determining the success of your business. Your potential and loyal customers are using them daily to make their decisions. This session will be focused on how to get the most out of our new national relationship with Yelp, the #1 review site for finding local businesses. You’ll also walk away with best practices that can be used across most review platforms. In this session you’ll:

  • Learn how your center benefits from reviews

  • Recognize how reviews affect your center and the PostNet brand

  • Uncover best practices for responding to and writing a response for a review

  • Discover ways to encourage your customers to write an online review for your center

  • Recognize how reviews can keep your center’s products and services top of mind

  • Generate leads through Yelp advertising opportunities

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Session Name

Time: 10:30am - 11:45pm
Presenter: Presenter Name

Content Description

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

2Thursday PM, September 13

Growing Your Packing and Shipping Revenue

Time: 10:30am - 11:45pm
Presenter: Brent White

Are you leaving money on the table when it comes to packing and shipping items for your customers? Join us in this session to find out where you could be missing opportunities for additional income. We’ll cover:

  • How to calculate labor and material costs so you can properly price your services

  • The use of inventory and PackMaster to manage pricing effectively

  • Strategies for successfully selling packing services to your customers

  • Training staff to be confident in the pricing and reason for packing services
Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Growing Revenue Through Digital Advertising

Time: 10:30am - 11:45pm
Presenter: Joseph Ortega, PostNet & Ryan Stackable, Adfinitely

In today’s world, with the rise of the internet and mobile devices, digital is always with us — and your customers! You not only have reach that is unsurpassed by digital mediums, but you have the ability to reach the right audience at the right time. In this session, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of digital advertising channels, such as Facebook, Adwords, and Display

  • Understand how to choose the best channel for you (benefits, costs)

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

3Friday AM, September 14

Stop Selling & Start Connecting

Time: 2:15 pm - 3:30pm
Presenter: Kristi Omdahl & Kristin Fusco

Having meaningful connections in the community plays a vital role in growing your business. If you think you are too introverted, too exhausted, or too time strapped to network (or if your networking is not "working" for you) then this session is for you.

We will show you how to effectively execute the #1 proven tactic that has worked for most of our successful PostNet entrepreneurs. This session will not only hone your skills and give you confidence to help you make the right connections, but you’ll walk away with a plan to put into action when you get home. Even our expert networkers can find inspiration from this session!

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Fiery Up Your Business!

Time: 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Presenter: EFI

Learning how to use your equipment to its fullest will boost your center’s productivity. To expand your knowledge, improve your efficiency, and put to use tips from the pros, join us for another great session with EFI.  In this workshop EFI will cover:

  • The newest features of Fiery Command Workstation 6, the primary interface to your Fiery for job preparation and job management

  • The use of Fiery VUE — the visual desktop printing application that allows you to create cost-effective, professional-looking materials quickly and easily by customizing layouts, combining and ordering pages, and previewing your documents to see how the final project will look

  • How to maximize your processes to meet tight deadlines and make your customer’s happy using Fiery FreeForm to drive Variable Data Printing

Prerequisites: Attendees should have experience using a Fiery with Command Workstation (version 5 or newer) to benefit the most from this session.

Course Level:
Intermediate, Advanced

4Friday PM 1, September 14

Building Your Brand From the INSIDE Out

Time: 3:45 - 5:00 pm
Presenter: Brent White & Allison Tonini

It’s no secret that companies who create an exceptional brand experience set themselves apart from their competition. In today’s world, how and why you deliver your product and service are just as important as the actual product and service you’re offering.

In this session, we’ll dive into the PostNet brand experience and discuss why it’s the first step to building more brand awareness, word of mouth business, and customer loyalty in your community. We’ll take a look at all of the opportunities you have in-center to deliver a great brand experience that will help you capitalize on customer visits. You’ll walk away with easy tips and tricks that you can put into action to help you generate more transactions, increase your average ticket, and keep customers coming back.

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

5Friday PM 2, September 14

Stop Selling & Start Connecting

Time: 10:30am - 11:45pm
Presenter: Kristi Omdahl & Kristin Fusco

Having meaningful connections in the community plays a vital role in growing your business. If you think you are too introverted, too exhausted, or too time strapped to network (or if your networking is not "working" for you) then this session is for you.

We will show you how to effectively execute the #1 proven tactic that has worked for most of our successful PostNet entrepreneurs. This session will not only hone your skills and give you confidence to help you make the right connections, but you’ll walk away with a plan to put into action when you get home. Even our expert networkers can find inspiration from this session!

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

6Saturday AM, September 15

Quelling the Quoting Quivers

Time: 10:30am - 11:45pm
Presenter: Brent White

Quoting and bidding jobs is an art and a science. There are numerous factors that come into play and this session will explore everything you need to properly quote your projects including:

  • Retail vs actual costs and how each plays a role in your profitability

  • Pricing tools and quantity discounting

  • How to identify local market prices and what your competition is charging

  • Questions you should ask your customer so that you can properly bid a job

  • Using the OPC to quote your jobs and manage your projects

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Building Your Brand From the INSIDE Out

Time: 2:15 pm - 3:30pm
Presenter: Brent White & Allison Tonini

It’s no secret that companies who create an exceptional brand experience set themselves apart from their competition. In today’s world, how and why you deliver your product and service are just as important as the actual product and service you’re offering.

In this session, we’ll dive into the PostNet brand experience and discuss why it’s the first step to building more brand awareness, word of mouth business, and customer loyalty in your community. We’ll take a look at all of the opportunities you have in-center to deliver a great brand experience that will help you capitalize on customer visits. You’ll walk away with easy tips and tricks that you can put into action to help you generate more transactions, increase your average ticket, and keep customers coming back.

Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Virtuosity with Virtual Mail

Time: 2:15pm - 3:30pm
Presenter: Josh Allen

Everywhere we turn, we are faced with something digital — whether it's banking, shopping, or how we communicate. The digital space has changed our everyday lives, including how we receive our mail. This session will include a panel discussion with franchisees who have ventured into the Virtual Mail space and successfully found new revenue streams. You’ll learn about:

  • Market landscape: Where PostNet Virtual Mail falls into the bigger picture of the digital mail space; why it's important, where it's going, and the competitive landscape

  • Processes and practices that help make running a virtual mail program as easy as possible

  • Roles and responsibilities of managing virtual mail customers (vendor and center)

  • Myths and misconceptions of digital mailbox programs

  • Best practices to maximize ROI through scalability and process improvement
Course Level:
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced